Thursday, November 29, 2007

Are your vitamins KILLING you?

Now I know its very overwhelming these days trying to figure out what supplement/vitamins you should take or maybe you are one of many that take Centrum or Kirkland brand (COSTCO) and you have a huge bottle of it in your cupboard. Most people think that all vitamins are the same but the reality is that MOST supplements either aren't doing anything for you or are doing more damage to your body! Think about this....would you feel safer in a BMW luxury car or in a FORD Focus? Now of course you will pay more money for the safer car and the Focus is cheap so you get what you pay for. Well the same applies to supplements you are consuming. If you pay $5.00 for a bottle of vitamins you are better off not taking anything. I know that I used to take Centrum vitamins and never noticed any change at all and I thought that was normal. Centrum is one of the most widely used brand of vitamins because of a huge marketing budget! Now I work in the Marketing field so I know the power of marketing. A study conducted at Yale New Haven Hospital tested 257 vitamin products. Only 49 were judged as having adequate ratios of nutrients. Anyways, talk is cheap so here is proof for those of you who may be taking a horrible vitamin. This is the Apple Test and please feel free to experiment yourself if you don't believe what you see. The Apple Test tests Usana Essentials, Centrum, and Kirkland (COSTCO) brand multi vitamins. Each vitamin has been soaked in water and each apple half was soaked in the vitamin water for 48 hours. Apples are used because they are made up of cells and are similar to the human body and how we soak up nutrients. The 4th apple was soaked in plain water as a placebo. After 48 hours these are the results in the 2nd picture. What apple do you want to be?

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