Friday, November 30, 2007

Sunscreen is CAUSING cancer

I was astonished when I started researching this but it makes complete sense! I know that I grew up with my mom telling me to put sunscreen on all the time. SPF 50 even! So after learning the real truth I threw out my sunscreen and use aloe vera instead. Here is information I found about how and why sunscreen promotes cancer.

Sunscreen use actually causes cancer, according to comprehensive new research published in the U.K.
There are two primary reasons why sunscreen causes cancer. First, and most importantly, the use of sunscreen blocks the skin from absorbing the sun's rays. That's what it's supposed to do, right? Yes, but in doing so, it also blocks the creation of all-essential vitamin D, the nutrient that the human body desperately needs to prevent as many as 25 chronic diseases. Notably: prostate cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis, schizophrenia and heart disease.

It turns out that most people living in the Northern hemisphere (which probably includes you) are chronically deficient in vitamin D. By wearing sunscreen, they're depriving their bodies of perhaps the single most important nutrient they need to stay healthy.

The second reason sunscreen causes cancer is because it contains toxic chemicals in the form of artificial fragrance, chemical colors and petroleum products used as fillers and stabilizers. These chemicals are absorbed through the skin where they enter the bloodstream and wreak havoc on the immune system. Artificial fragrances, just by themselves, may contain dozens of carconigenic chemicals that damage the liver, the heart, and even promote systemic cancer.

Of course, the sunscreen manufacturers continue to deny all this while propagating the ridiculous myth that, "There's no such thing as a healthy tan." In reality, there's no such thing as a healthy pale person! A tan is a bonafide sign of good health, and a deep tan actually protects you from cancer.

All this has come out in this comprehensive new research report entitled, "Sunlight Robbery." To summarize the findings of the report, "To ensure optimum levels of vitamin D and optimum health people in the UK need to sunbathe whenever they can wearing as few clothes as possible while taking care not to burn. Vitamin D obtained from food provides only about 10% of our needs."

Well said. So much for the myth that sunshine is somehow bad for you. Soak up the sun as much as you can. I know that I look a lot healthier when I get a lot of sun and people who shy away from the sun look like DEATH. Enough said. it is recommended to get 30 mins of sunshine a day and not to use more than SPF 15.

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